Bio-Safe Fogging_____
The methods involved in the bio-fogging process have been available for many years. Issues in the past with cold fogging were based on the dangerous chemical interaction, chemicals which not only kill bacteria and viruses, but kill plants, animals, and even people.
They have been unsuitable for their effects on the materials such as plastic, fabric and metal, by causing corrosion and destroying them over time. This has now changed through NEW biocidal technology which now enables cold fogging to be safe and effective against viruses, bacteria, fungi (mold), and even spores.
Studies show the application of disinfectants and biocides via aerosol or fogging significantly reduce the number of viable infectious pathogens. Foggers produce micro droplets that float in the air for around 10 minutes after application, reaching the most inaccessible parts where conventional cleaning or spraying can’t reach.

Advantages of Bio-Safe Fogging_____
Bio-Safe Fogging is the "Gold Standard" for environmental hygiene programs, eliminating > 7 log reduction of all bacteria including E.Coli and MRSA in just minutes and has been independently tested to be effective against Norovirus. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable Bio-Oxygen, leaves no chemical residual, is non-corrosive with no VOC’s, and is environmentally safe.
Marking a Distinction in Disinfection
Neutralizes over 300 molds, viruses, bacteria, and allergens.
Produces an extremely clean and microbial free environment.
Goes beyond inadequate standard health quality practices.
Requires no rinse or wipe down.
Penetrates hard to reach areas leaving nowhere for microbial to hide.
Will not damage or harm delicate materials or surfaces.
Prevents the spread of outbreaks, pandemics, and epidemics.
Use Applications_____

Office Buildings

Gym Facilities