Founded by the Expert_____
Dan Lynn
Bio-Safe was developed by Dan Lynn, a world-renowned expert on the control of pathogenic substances. Lynn holds an M.S. in Applied Science and Technology as well as a degree in Health and Safety.
As an FDA Clinical Investigator, he is frequently involved in high-profile infectious disease investigations. His qualifications include HACCP certification from the US Department of Commerce and infectious disease certification in New York and New Jersey. He is an expert on agroterrorism and biosecurity for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
In addition, Lynn is globally recognized as an expert on ozone effectiveness and applications. With over 50 issued US career patents and international patent applications related to cleaning processes and pathogenic control, the products and systems derived from Lynn’s work are integral to the operation of Fortune 500 companies throughout the world.
Our Mission_____
Creating a safer, healthier environment to live, work, and play.